Documenting Your Collections
Info-Muse Network Documentation Guide

Les guides électroniques de la SMQ

Absolute/Relative Date (Dating)

Field used for archaeology collections (object data and site data)Société des musées québécois Info-Muse database field


  • This field contains the absolute and relative dates associated with the object.


  1. Use this field only if the date associated with the object was determined using a dating technique.
  2. This field is used in conjunction with the Dating Technique field.
    Example 1

    Absolute/Relative Date3700 ± 145
     Dating technique thermoluminescence
    Example 2

    Absolute/Relative Date 3000 to 2000
     Dating techniquetypology

Entry rules:

  1. BC (Before Christ) and AD (Anno Domini) dates should be converted to BP (Before Present).

    Absolute/Relative Date 1300 ± 70
     Dating technique radiocarbon
     and not 
     Absolute/Relative Date-650
  2. Do not include any abbreviation after the dating value.
  3. Enter the absolute date in the form of a series of at most eight digits, followed by a space and the standard deviation.

    Absolute/Relative Date 4550 ± 200
     Dating technique radiocarbon
  4. Enter the standard deviation in the form of the date, followed by a space and ±, a space and the standard deviation.

    Absolute/Relative Date 9000 ± 100
     Dating technique radiocarbon
  5. Enter the relative date by indicating an interval in the form of the date, a space, "to", a space and the other date.

    Absolute/Relative Date 2000 to 1500
     Dating techniquetypology
  6. Always enter the absolute date obtained with the radiocarbon dating technique, and not the corrected date.
  7. Any other information should be indicated in the Cataloguer Remarks field.

    Absolute/Relative Date 920 ± 25
     Dating technique radiocarbon
     Cataloguer Remarks Dating laboratory number: GX-6131G
  8. This field may contain multiple entries separated by a semicolon followed by a space.

     Object Namevase
      Material clay
    Absolute/Relative Date3000 to 2000; 1750 ± 200
     Dating techniquephysico-chemical analysis; thermoluminescence © Société des musées du Québec