Documenting Your Collections
Info-Muse Network Documentation Guide

Les guides électroniques de la SMQ

Other Artist/Maker Role (Identification)

Field to be used with an authority listField used for ethnology and history collectionsField used for fine and decorative arts collectionsSociété des musées québécois Info-Muse database field


  • This field contains the role or function of the other artists, makers or technicians who collaborated on creating the object.


  • This field is used along with the Other Artist/Maker field.

      Object Name sculpture
      Artist/Maker Rodin, Auguste
     Other Artist/Maker Fonderie Coubertin
    Other Artist/Maker Role caster

Entry rules:

  1. This field may contain multiple entries separated by a semicolon followed by a space. Enter the information in order of importance, and make sure each entry corresponds to the entry in the Other Artist/Maker field.

    A print was created by Pierre Grenier and engraved by Gilles Cloutier. There is also a poem by Robert Colin on the print.

      Object Name print
      Artist/Maker Grenier, Pierre
     Other Artist/Maker Cloutier, Gilles; Colin, Robert
    Other Artist/Maker Role engraver; poet
  2. If you are unsure whether your information is correct, include a space and a question mark after the keyword. © Société des musées du Québec