Documenting Your Collections
Info-Muse Network Documentation Guide

Les guides électroniques de la SMQ

Description (Physical Description)

Field used for ethnology and history collectionsField used for fine and decorative arts collectionsField used for science and technology collectionsField used for archaeology collections (object data and site data)Société des musées québécois Info-Muse database field


  • This field contains additional descriptive information about the object.


  • Enter additional information on the physical description or the iconography of the object not mentioned in other fields.

    A painting showing an overview of the Hochelaga neighbourhood, as seen from Mount Royal.

      Object Name painting
      Subject/Image urban scene
    Description Overview of the Hochelaga neighbourhood, as seen from Mount Royal, Montreal

Entry rule:

  • The Description field is particularly useful when information is entered clearly, concisely and consistently.

      Object Name Nô theatre coat
    Description Scene on a serge background, by passing coloured threads under the warp. Weft threads embroidered with gold and silver threads. Scene on red background (logwood?), silver mist, chrysanthemums, butterflies in tones of yellow and bright blue, typical of the period. © Société des musées du Québec