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Info-Muse Network Documentation Guide

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Patent Number (Identification)

Field used for science and technology collectionsSociété des musées québécois Info-Muse database field


  • This field contains the patent or copyright number obtained by the manufacturer for the invention and/or manufacturing process for the object.


  1. The patent number is the number assigned to an object by the patent office in the country in which it was manufactured or marketed. The patent holder has the exclusive right to manufacture, use or market an invention in the country in which the object was patented.1
  2. The patent number consists of a group of numbers, and is often preceded by the letters "PAT".

    A Ruhmkorff coil bearing the inscription "PAT: 1309857" on the nameplate

      Object NameRuhmkorff coil
    Patent Number1309857
  3. The patent number is marked on the nameplate affixed to the object.

Entry rules:

  1. Enter the whole patent number, making sure to respect the punctuation.

    A battery patented on April 12, 1903, in Canada, bearing patent number 564982

      Object Name battery
    Patent Number 564982
      Patent Date 1903-04-12
     Patent Country Canada
  2. This field may contain multiple entries separated by a semicolon followed by a space. They should be entered in the order in which they are shown on the nameplate.

    A sewing machine in which two patented parts were used. The nameplate shows the patent numbers in this order: 1149314, July 23, 1983, and 1149309, July 5, 1983.

      Object Namesewing machine
    Patent Number1149314; 1149309
      Patent Date 1983-07-23; 1983-07-05

  1. You can consult the Patent Office to confirm your information. The database on Canadian patents is accessible through the Website of the Canadian Intellectual Property Office ( [Information up to date as of June 20, 2006]. © Société des musées du Québec