Documenting Your Collections
Info-Muse Network Documentation Guide

Les guides électroniques de la SMQ

Site Province (Site Data)

Field to be used with an authority listField used for archaeology collections (object data and site data)Société des musées québécois Info-Muse database field


  • This field contains the name of the province where the site is located.


  1. This field may also contain the name of a Canadian territory, an American state, a British county, a Swiss canton, a French department, a Japanese prefecture or any other equivalent of the term "province."

     Site CountryMexico
    Site Province Yucatan
  2. For better search results in your database, avoid a large variety of terms; draw up an authority list and add province names as necessary. See documentation tip No. 2 (in French only) for bibliographic references.
  3. This field is used in conjunction with the Site Country field.

Entry rules:

  1. Enter the full name of the province; do not use abbreviations.

    Site Province Quebec
     and not 
     Site ProvinceQc
  2. If the name of the site province has changed, first enter its current name, followed by a comma and a space, then the name that applied at the time the site was occupied.

     Site Country Canada
    Site ProvinceNunavut, Northwest Territories
  3. This field may not contain more than one entry. © Société des musées du Québec