Documenting Your Collections
Info-Muse Network Documentation Guide

Les guides électroniques de la SMQ

Site Location (Site Data)

Field used for archaeology collections (object data and site data)


  • This field contains information on the site location.


  • Describe the location of the site so that it can easily be identified on a topographical map or in the field.

Entry rules:

  1. The description of the site location should be as detailed as possible.
  2. Enter place names in full.
  3. Do not use abbreviations except, if necessary, in the following cases:

    standard abbreviations for metric units (m, km);
    standard abbreviations for cardinal points and derived terms (N, S, E, W, NE, SW, etc.).
  4. Note the information clearly, concisely and consistently.

     Site Name Waterfall campground
    Site Location The site lies 15 km NW of the winter campground on the west bank of the Salmon River, 0.5 km south of the old guard post.
  5. If you know the latitude and longitude of the site, enter them in this field. © Société des musées du Québec